Sunday, July 6, 2008

Reflections about Jesus

I was watching a Video Bible yesterday night on Bibel-TV in Germany. It was a version I had seen before, but had German voices over top of the English actors. I could not help but think Jesus seemed way too happy. If Jesus was really like that then perhaps some of the 'liberal' theories might actually be correct and I need to move to the left... I started to think what type of Jesus I would like. (It appears to be popular to write books about that topic, but I am only bringing what I have and if God blesses it than it must be good. wink.)

The Jesus I would like is quite similar to Huey from the Boondocks comics. (I have not seen the TV cartoon so I will have to limit it to the Huey from the print version.) A political revolutionary, sarcastic, and a little mean. I know that Jesus is loving and caring, but in the portrayals that are most popular he appears more like a Hallmark commercial. I think there was plenty of Huey in Jesus.

1 comment:

Mat said...

Black? As Rufus would say.