Thursday, May 1, 2008

Prince Caspian (Chronicles of Narnia) - Reflection

With the new Chronicles of Narnia movie coming out in a couple weeks I thought I would refresh my memory and read Prince Caspian again. It is a little embarassing to admit that I had forgotten most of the story. This actually turned out to be a benefit as I could enjoy Lewis's masterful writing almost like a first time reader as the Pevensies once again enter the world of Narnia and are set for another adventure.

I will not labour with a summary of the story, but point out an interesting point of reflection. The manner of faith and trust becomes key for the narrative. Who is telling the the truth and who is not? There are two competing meta-narratives that exist for the people of Narnia. The New Narnia and the Old Narnia. In The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe the land of Narnia was controlled by one person who was oppressing the people who believed that Aslan would come and save them. The world the Pevensies enter in Prince Caspian is quite different as the ruling class has developed a different story where no one talks about the expliots of the past and subvert them as fantasy. Even those who are part of the Old Narnia resistance are not convinced of the legitimacy of these past events. The reader does not struggle with this decision as we already know that the events of Aslan and the four kings took place, but we are asked to join Old Narnia against those who disregard them.

It is a world that is not that different than our own where there are various meta-narratives and stories and we must consider who is to be trusted. And also what we will do when we find the truth ignored.

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